Generosity with which we live out our commitments will have a powerful impact—not only on the one to whom we are committed, but also on those around us and often on people we don’t even know.
—Father Art
Place your lives in the hands of Jesus. He will accept you and bless you, and he will make use of your lives in a way that exceeds your greatest expectations.
—Father Art
We need to feel confident when we pray, ‘Oh God of the second chance, oh God of the third chance, here I am again… God can embrace our imperfections as he embraced powerless little children, broke bread with sinners, and forgave a late-comer thief.
—Father Art
He (Our Lord) knows who you are; He knows you very well. Our Lord extends the invitation to each one of us: ‘Come to me all you who are burdened, and I will refresh you. I will give you a new start!’
—Father Art
If we are to become something useful and beautiful for God, we must first go through a certain amount of suffering. When you ask yourself, “Why do I have to suffer—why me?” then look at the cross. Look at Jesus, who loves each one of you unconditionally.”
—Father Art
Jesus encourages us to always remain faithful to God, especially during difficult times in our lives… and that can be a difficult thing to do.
—Father Art
Too often today it’s ‘no people’, just things, lots of them. ‘Time to go back to basics. ‘Time to go back to Jesus.
—Father Art
Simply converse with Jesus from the heart; be honest with Him… Talk to him like you talk to the best friend you have, and then listen when he talks back to you.
—Father Art
Today’s Gospel is an invitation to look at our own lives, to slow down, to ask for healing…and our good Lord will remind us what’s really important in life.
—Father Art
We who are gathered here today are called to keep this Tradition going, to point others to Christ so that Christ may heal, inspire and save them as well.
—Father Art
God so deeply loves us that, even when things don’t turn out the way we wanted, there are hidden treasures of grace we never suspected.
—Father Art
This (The Mass) is where we drop to our knees and come home to God, the One who loves us unconditionally.
—Father Art
We have been called to live our lives every day showing ourselves and showing God that we can produce good fruit.
—Father Art
To be able to receive God’s forgiveness—to fully be forgiven by our Lord, who says, ‘I am kind, I am merciful, I am slow to anger and rich in compassion’…first of all, you have to forgive yourself. Many people cannot forgive themselves for something that happened in the past or something they have done, but you must!
—Father Art
When we come to Mass, our souls are spiritually fed… (by) the Body of Christ—the Holy Eucharist, Jesus—who comes and enters our hearts.
—Father Art
With a peaceful spirit we say, ‘whatever you want, Lord, because you know best.’
—Father Art
Whatever fears we may have, Jesus is there saying, ‘Do not be afraid…I love you!’
—Father Art
Hear God who tells us, ‘This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased!’ Love Him and love each other.
—Father Art
My greatest treasure is my faith in Jesus Christ!
—Father Art